
Mud is good for you, right?

Playing in the Mud: Our Mud Pies.

In Australia at the moment we have had a record amount of rain, with no break from the wet for over a week we have been doing lots of things inside and I was slowly running out of ideas and motivation as inside play for so long can become very mentally draining.
I promised Dimples that when the rain stopped we could play in the mud and make mud pies.
When the rain stopped for a short while over the weekend we were straight out there.

I gave dimples a couple of old containers and some digging tools. I put a heap of mud into a container next to his play surface and he got busy making me some mud pies, he put grass sprinkles on top with a few stones. mixed it all up and splatted it around until he found a worm to play with, then he let it go free.
Enough with the tools, he went hands first squishing it in his hands, squeezing it through his closed fist, splatting it into the bowl, tipping it out, mixing it with more water, playing with worms, and burying his hand under the mud. If he found any dirt chunks he made sure they were smoothed right out. It was a lot of fun!
By the end of it he was stomping and jumping in the mud puddle.
To tell you the truth I don't know why we haven't done this before, it was too easy to throw his clothes straight in to the laundry tub for a wash and take him in for a quick warm bath before the rains hit again.

Did you know that playing in the dirt & mud is good for kids.
I think with the modern day plastic toys, cool kids movies and all the stress about cleanliness mothers forget that the most simplest fun can be had with some tools and a bit of dirt.
If you give your child some old pots and plates, cooking utensils and tools with a bucket of wet dirt then let them go without stressing over how dirty their clothes will get or if they will rub mud in their hair you will find quite possibly that they will have fun for hours.

I recently read an article about the benefits of playing in the dirt, a-dirty-kid-is-a-happy-kid and I must admit I was surprised about how good it actually is. I knew it was great for sensory and tactile abilities but did you know that the (good) living bacteria in dirt can help improve mood, has been linked to higher iq's and boosts a child's immune system.  So now you have an excuse to let your kids get dirty and play in the mud!

Another thing that I must point out, that i personally think is very important is that this dirty messy fun play builds a stronger bond with nature and the outdoors which is very important in raising the next generation. With all the technology, on line activities, video games, cool kids movies and a million reasons to sit in front of a screen for most of the day parents need to be reminded of how beneficial outdoor play is in the long run, it can influence the health and well being of a little person by reinforcing that being active and outdoors is alot of fun and is really enjoyable.
If you have a chance check out the article above, a dirty kid is a happy kid and this one, let-your-kids-get-dirty. and the mud center for info on the benefits of playing in dirt and some mud ideas.


  1. For a while there I thought the rain would never stop!! I encourage my kids to get out in the rain and have a run around too. Good for the soul. I love your post.

    1. thank you very much, Yes sun showers are a joy to run around in but too much rain can bring you down ;-)

  2. Love this post & agree 100% about connecting with nature. I am always sad to see children come into my class in September who are so not used to being outside or getting dirty. However I do love seeing them change their outlook as the year progresses. Good for you & how lucky your son is to have you as his mum. Thanks for linking this up in the outdoor play linky this week, Kierna

    1. Thanks Keirna I appreciate your comment and that is lovely to hear. Its always good to see little ones having fun and getting messy, lifes no fun without a bit of mess!

  3. Awesome!!! We love mud too! Thank you for linking up to the Outdoor Play Party! Thank you providing your readers for positive reasons to play in the mud!

  4. my son loves playing in mud - I love your post

  5. This is the first time I have seen your blog. You have awsome ideas, thank you for sharing them. I can't wait to read more.
