
Stained Glass Mothersday Book Marks

Dimples enjoyed making these cute stained glass Mothers day Bookmarks for his Nanna's.

What you will need
Materials: Crayon shavings, Cellophane, Laminate sheet, An Iron, Pipe cleaners or Ribbon and some beads.

I cut a piece of laminate paper into thin strips & put the materials out for Dimples then let him choose his colours and much much or how little he wanted to put in each one.

Using crayon shavings and cellophane for the Stain glass design Dimples sprinkled his materials into the open laminate paper and then closed it Ready for me to Iron

I then went over it with an Iron & a sheet of paper towelling making sure the sides of the laminate stuck closed and then heat melted the Crayon shavings.

Once then were stuck together and cooled Dimples punched a hole through the top and threaded a pipe cleaner on (i tied it off & twisted it tight) then he added some more colour with some foam beads.

 Voila. Easy Peasy Stained glass bookmarks.


  1. What a lovley little activity...i think my twins are just about up to something like this...thanks so much for sharing with the Weekly Kid's Co-Op!!

  2. Your bookmarks turned out super cute! Thanks for linking up to TGIF! Have a great weekend,
