
Rainbow Spaghetti & Bug Cooking

Play Invitation:
 Cooked Spaghetti in Rainbow colours with some plastic insects and bugs,
set out with Cooking gear & a play kitchen...

Rainbow coloured spaghetti: Cook your spaghetti, then put it in zip lock bags with a drop of oil (so it doesn't stick) & add your food colouring to dye. Soak for a while - Or ask your little one to squish it around, I did this with Dimples & he enjoyed watching the colours soak through and get vibrantly bright.

With some utensils Dimples prepared a scrumptious looking dish for our dog. Rainbow Spag, shaving cream & bugs. Demon, the dog, actually ate some spaghetti that was thrown in his bowl while Dimples went on stirring the cream through, using tongs to pick up the slippery spaghetti & "cooking" it in the pot & play oven.

Pretend cooking in his play kitchen, Dimples role played Head cook, setting the timer, stirring & mixing, putting his handle to the side, using a towl to get the "hot" food out of the oven, letting it cool before serving it.  My little Master Chef.
You can click HERE to check out my post  "The Benefits of Pretend Play" that was featured on  - This type of pretend play fits well into this post, its fun-messy-imaginative Play...


  1. Messy fun, always a huge hit! Do you watch Master Chef? I love that show. Thanks for linking up to Mom's Library!

  2. We love spaghetti play at our place too...makes great prints! Wish i could get my girls to actually eat spaghetti though lol!

  3. Ooooh what fantastic messy fun. I havent tried doing this with spaghetti we need a really sunny day.

    Thanks for linking to the Sunday showcase.

  4. Looks like he had fun!

    Thanks for sharing with learning laboratory at mama smiles =)

  5. Sherri at Giggles n Grins Dayhome17 August 2012 at 00:47

    Wow how fun does that look?! I run a dayhome and today we are going to give this a try!! Thanks for Posting this!!!
